Excelsio Media by Nelson Alarcón - alarcónnelson

Why you shouldn't worry about pooping once a day

Why you shouldn't worry about pooping once a day
You may have heard that you should be pooping once a day -- but that's a load of crap, says Dr. Jen Gunter. From the enzymes in your mouth to the nutrient-absorbing power of your large intestine, she journeys through the digestive tract to explain why it's okay to poop at your own pace -- and shares the many regulating benefits of a fiber-rich diet.
Think you know how your body works? Think again! Dr. Jen Gunter is here to shake up everything you thought you knew -- from how much water you need to drink to how often you need to poop and everything in between. This TED original series will tell you the truth about what's *really* going on inside you.


Excelsio Media

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