Excelsio Media by Nelson Alarcón - alarcónnelson

At School Today™ Offers Communication Platform Free to Help With COVID-19 Pandemic

Communication Platform Free to Help With COVID-19 Pandemic
At School Today™ announced this morning that the mobile app will offer their communication platform free of charge to all schools, parents and teachers during the COVID-19 crisis. The announcement was made by AST President, Geoff Jordan.

At School Today™ is a mobile app created to improve teacher-to-parent communication and parent-to-child engagement. It is the only app that provides auto-fill permission forms and payment on a smartphone.

“This pandemic is causing huge challenges in people’s lives, families and communities,” said Jordan. “More than ever, we need to work together to find safe, innovative and intelligent solutions to continue education and learning.”

AST allows parties to communicate better with all materials organized in one simple-to-use app. Share homework, links, lessons, files and manage multiple electronic class resources (Google Classroom, Facebook pages, YouTube channels, and online learning portals) for parents all in one place. It also allows teachers to send reminder notifications to keep their classes on track. The dashboard syncs with Google Calendar and the mobile app syncs with mobile device calendars.

Teachers: Sign up on our webpage at and invite parents to your classroom.

Parents: Sign up on our webpage at and ask your teacher to start using At School Today™.

“As we all adapt to our new normal, juggling working from home and supporting our children’s education, At School Today™ has decided to offer our communication platform free to schools, teachers and parents during this difficult time,” continued Jordan. “We would like to especially acknowledge our partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP. Nitro Program. Without their support, we would not be able to offer this service worldwide.”


Excelsio Media

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