Excelsio Media by Nelson Alarcón - alarcónnelson

WHO: Brazil has reported more than 400 000 deaths, as cases grow up in Latam

WHO: Brazil has reported more than 400 000 deaths, as cases grow up in Latam
In total, Brazil has reported more than 14 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 400 000 deaths. Cases have now declined for four weeks in a row, and hospitalizations and deaths are also declining. This is good news, and we hope this trend continues. But the pandemic has taught us that no country can ever let down its guard.
PAHO and WHO are working closely with the government of Brazil to respond to urgent needs for medicines and other supplies, such as diagnostics, oxygen and masks, and we have helped to source tens of millions of dollars’ worth of medicines which the government can now procure. Other partners including Spain, Portugal and private companies have also provided donations of critical supplies.


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