Excelsio Media by Nelson Alarcón - alarcónnelson

Coronavirus and flu: Are we headed for a double epidemic?

Coronavirus and flu: Are we headed for a double epidemic?
A double epidemic is coming. As COVID cases rise, an influenza wave is heading to the northern hemisphere. What if people get both at the same time? The coronavirus is already new territory. Its combination with influenza is equally unknown. 
Winter will be a challenge. Whether it impacts the behavior of the coronavirus is another thing. But a flu vaccination could narrow the diagnostic options, when flu-like symptoms occur. Doctors say it’s more important than ever to get a flu shot this year. Facebook has launched a vaccine information campaign. It's also banning ads that discourage people from getting the jab. 

As DW reporter Leonie von Hammerstein found out, demand is surging. Experts say this could be a test run for an eventual coronavirus vaccine.


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