Excelsio Media by Nelson Alarcón - alarcónnelson

Are Turkey and Greece exploiting refugees?

Are Turkey and Greece exploiting refugees?
Greek Prime Minister Kyriako Mitsotakis says the migration deal between the EU and Turkey is "dead." He accused Turkey of using migrants to create a crisis at its border with his country.
This morning Greek border police once again used teargas to repel an attempt by migrants to push through the border from Turkey. The European Union has warned migrants they will not be allowed to enter. Meanwhile Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered his coast guard to prevent migrant boats from crossing to Greek islands in the Aegean.

The Greeks have been aggressively pushing back migrants attempting the voyage, but some have made it through anyway. One group of migrants that landed on the island of Lesbos two days ago have been sleeping in the rough outside a church. The island's main migrant camp is hopelessly overcrowded.


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