Excelsio Media by Nelson Alarcón - alarcónnelson

Security Alert: U.S. Issues Warning on Ongoing Threat of Crime in Colombia

The U.S. Embassy has issued a reminder to American travelers about the persistent risk of crime across Colombia. Recent incidents, including armed robberies at popular eateries and hangout spots in Bogotá frequently visited by tourists and expatriates, highlight the need for heightened vigilance.

Travelers are urged to maintain a state of alertness, incorporating robust personal security measures into their daily routines. In the event of a robbery, individuals are advised to prioritize personal safety by cooperating fully and avoiding any resistance, which could escalate the situation dangerously.

In case of encountering gunfire, citizens are instructed to remain calm, assume a prone position, and seek cover promptly. While criminal and terrorist activities pose a threat across various locations, including transportation hubs, markets, and government facilities, there's an added caution against potential attacks targeting U.S. citizens.

The U.S. Department of State has issued a level three travel advisory for Colombia, recommending travelers to reassess their plans due to concerns over crime, terrorism, civil unrest, and kidnapping.

Key precautions advised for travelers include maintaining a low profile, staying alert to surroundings, avoiding street parking, limiting the display of wealth, and exercising caution when using cellphones in public. Additionally, it's recommended to carry only necessary cash and cards, review personal security plans, and refrain from physical resistance during robbery attempts.

This alert underscores the importance of staying informed and adopting proactive measures to ensure personal safety while traveling in Colombia.


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